The story that goes with our verse of the day is about the moment when Mary, in her first trimester with Jesus, goes to visit her aunt, Elizabeth, who is an elderly woman expecting John the Baptist. Up until this point, Elizabeth has been growing as if pregnant, but the baby has not yet moved. Perhaps some doubt has crouched in her mind. Could this be a tumor instead of a baby? After all she is well along in years.
Yet the moment Mary (who may not even be obviously pregnant yet) shows up unannounced (no e-mail back then), the child that Elizabeth has been carrying leaps for joy.
This is incredible. What a confirmation this must have been to Elizabeth about her little miracle. And young Mary may have had her first goosebump moment, as she realizes the power of the Son of God growing within her. It launches the two women into a praise session unparalleled in the Scriptures.
Incredible joy. The joy of the Christ child.
Photo taken near our home last week during a frosty day.