Isaiah 42:4 He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their HOPE.
Prophecy is often part of the first week of Advent. There are hundreds of Old Testament passages that point to the coming of the Christ Child as well as his ministry, death, resurrection and eternal reign as King of Kings. fact that the Bible is so accurate gives hope. We can trust it and we can trust Him.
In the Old Testament days, there was great expectation for the coming of the Messiah. They didn't know what it would look like. They didn't know how God would do it. But God would send someone who would be their Redeemer and their King. But many held great excitement in their heart because of the prophecies they expected would be fulfilled. (Luke 2: 25-38, Simeon and Anna)
If only we could catch a bit of that excitement and anticipation. Our kids look forward to opening the gifts under the tree, knowing we buy them with intention understaanding what they love. This year, might I find some anticipation in my heart for Christmas because it commemorates of the Christ Child's arrival into the world? Not just the mystery of revealed Christmas presents stashed under the tree or the lovely holiday meal planned?
Lord, Teach me excitement in my heart for YOU.
This above photo was taken recently in the Greek Islands.